Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/111

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Because if a live dog, 't is said,
Be worth a lion fairly sped,
A live lord must be worth two dead,
My Murray!


And if, as the opinion goes,
Verse hath a better sale than prose,—
Certes, I should have more than those,
My Murray!


But now this sheet is nearly crammed,
So, if you will, I shan't be shammed,
And if you won't,—you may be damned,
My Murray![1]

August 23, 1821.
[First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 517.]


Lady, accept the box a hero wore,
In spite of all this elegiac stuff:
Let not seven stanzas written by a bore,
Prevent your Ladyship from taking snuff!

[First published, Conversations of Lord Byron, 1824, p. 235.]

  1. ["Can't accept your courteous offer [i.e.£2000 for three cantos of Don Juan, Sardanapalus, and The Two Foscari]. These matters must be arranged with Mr. Douglas Kinnaird. He is my trustee, and a man of honour. To him you can state all your mercantile reasons, which you might not like to state to me personally, such as 'heavy season'—'flat public'—'don't go off'—'lordship writes too much'—'won't take advice'—'declining popularity'—'deductions for the trade'—'make very little'—'generally lose by him'—'pirated edition'—'foreign edition'—'severe criticisms,' etc., with other hints and howls for an oration, which I leave Douglas, who is an orator, to answer."—Letter to Murray, August 23, 1821, Letters, 1901, v. 348.]
  2. [Napoleon bequeathed to Lady Holland a snuff-box which had