Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/78

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Masking and humming,
Fifing and drumming,
Guitarring and strumming,
Oh Thomas Moore!

December 24, 1816.
[First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 58, 59.]


To hook the Reader, you, John Murray,
Have published "Anjou's Margaret,"[1]
Which won't be sold off in a hurry
(At least, it has not been as yet);
And then, still further to bewilder him,
Without remorse, you set up "Ilderim;"[2]
So mind you don't get into debt,—
Because—as how—if you should fail,
These books would be but baddish bail.
And mind you do not let escape
These rhymes to Morning Post or Perry,
Which would be very treacherous—very,
And get me into such a scrape!
For, firstly, I should have to sally,
All in my little boat, against a Galley;
And, should I chance to slay the Assyrian wight,
Have next to combat with the female Knight:
And pricked to death expire upon her needle,
A sort of end which I should take indeed ill!

March 25, 1817.
[First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, ii. 91.]

  1. [Margaret of Anjou, by Margaret Holford, 1816.]
  2. [Ilderim, a Syrian Tale, by H. Gally Knight, 1816.]