Page:The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel.djvu/19

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Florentine History.

Book I.

THe Northern Nations healthful and prolifick pag. I

Their Method of evacuation upon their excessive encrease ibid.

Their excessive encrease, the ruine of the Roman Empire ib.

The Western Gothes the first invaders of that Empire ib.

Rome sack'd by them under the command of Alaricus 2

Boniface Governour of Africk for the Emperor ib.

Galiia over-run by the Franks, and from them called France ib.

The Hanni conquer and denominate Hungaria ib.

Britain called Anglia from the Angli ib.

The Hanni invade Italy under Attila ib.

Attila besieges and takes Aquilegia ib.

He advances to Rome, but retires at the request of the Pope 3

The Hanni driven back over thee Danube, return home ib.

The first residence of the Roman Emperors at Ravenna ib.

New Emperors elected by the Romans upon the non-residence of their old ib.

The Lombards invade Italy ib.

Odoacres call'd King of Rome, and the first of the Barbarians which thought of fixing in Italy ib.

The old Empire divided into Cantons ib.

Theodorick invades Italy, stays Odoacres, calls himself King of Rome, and held his residence at Ravenna ib.

Theodorick dies 4

Ballasarius General for Justinian the Emperor ib.

Totila takes, sacks, and burns Rome ib.

Narsetes a new General for Justinian ib.

Longinus alters the Government in Italy ib.

Alboins kill'd by the conspiracy of his Wife ib.

The authority of the Bishops of Rome began to encrease ib.

Bishops of Rome employed as Ministers by the Emperors and Kings, and sometimes executed by them 7

The Eastern Empire destroyed in the times of Heracleus the Emperor ib.

The King of France exempts the Pope from all humane jurisdiction 8

Pascal created Pope ib.

The original of Cardinals ib.

Eugenius the second Pope ib.

Ospurcus made Pope, changes his name ib.

The original of Pisa ib.

The Government of Italy, anno 931 ib.

Agabito Pope 9

Gregory the fith Pope, expelled and restored, divests the Romans of their power of creating Emperors, and confers it upon six Princes of Germany ib.

Clement the second Pope ib.

Nicholas the second Pope, excludes the Romans, and renounces the Papal Elections to the suffrage of Cardinals only ib.

Schism and anti-Popes in the Church ib.

The difference between Henricus and the Pope, the ground of the Guelf and Ghibilin fashions ib.

The original of the Kingdom of Sicily ib.

Urbin the fecond Pope ib.

The first Croissade ib.

Pascal the second Pope 11

Alexander the third Pope ib.

A new anti-Pope ib.

The Pope's penance to King Henry of England, upon the complaints about Thomas Becket ib.

Celestin the third Pope 12

Honorius the third Pope ib.

The Orders of St. Dominick and St. Francis instituted, 1218 ib.

The Titles of King of Naples and Jerusalem annexed ib.

The house of the Esti made Lords of Ferrara 13
