Page:The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel.djvu/20

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The Guelfs side-with the Church, the Ghibilins with the Emperor ib.

Innocent the fourth Pope ib.

Clement the fifth Pope ib.

Adrian the fifth Pope ib.

Nicholas the third of the house of Ursin 14

The first introduction of Popes Nephews. ib.

Martin the tenth Pope ib.

Pope Celestine resigns to Boniface the eighth ib.

The first Jubilees ordained by Boniface every 100 years 15

Benedictus chosen, dies, and is succeeded by Clement the fifth, who removed his residence into France, 1036. ib.

John the 22th Pope ib.

The Visconti a great Family in Milan, made Princes of that City by the extirpation of the Torri ib.

The first Duke of Milan ib.

The Dukedom of Milan falls to the Flora's 16

The original of the Venetians ib.

Candia given to the Venetians by the French 17

Benedict the twelfth Pope ib.

Clement the sixth Pope ib.

The Jubilee reduced to 50 years 18

Avignon given to the Pope by the Queen of Naples ib.

Innocent the sixth Pope ib.

Urban the fifth Pope ib.

Gregory the twelfth Pope ib.

The Pope returns to Rome after 71 years residence in France ib.

Urban the sixth Pope ib.

Clement the seventh Anti-Pope ib.

Guns first used between the Genoeses and Venetians ib.

Urban and Clement succeeded by Boniface the 9th and Benedict the 13th ib.

Boniface dies, Innocent succeeds him; and Gregory the 12th Innocent 19

Alexander the fifth elected, and succeeded by John the 23d ib.

Three Popes at once ib.

Martin the fifth ib.

The Queen of Naples calls in the King of Arragon to her assistance, adopts him, and makes Braccio de Montone her General 20

The state of Italy ib.

Book II.

TThe convenience of Colonies 22

The Original of Florence 23

The denomination of Florence ib.

The first division of Florence 24

The Guelf and Ghibilin Faction in Florence ib.

The Union and Government of the City of Florence 25

The Antiani ib.

The Captain of the People and Podesta ib.

Their Militia ib.

A generous Custom ib.

Manfredi King of Naples, a great Patron of the Ghibilins ib.

Carlo d' Angio call' d into Italy by the Pope 26

A new model of Government in Florence ib.

New commotions in Florence ib.

A second model by the Guelfs 27

Gregory the tenth Pope ib.

Florence under excommunication ib.

Innocence the 5th ib.

The jealousie of the Pope ib.

Nicholas the third Pope ib.

The Ghibilins return ib.

Martinus Pope 28

The Government of Florence reformed by the Citizens ib.

The three Priors to govern two months, to be chosen out of the City indifferently ib.

The Signori ib.

Discord between the Nobility and People ib.

The Priory and Gonsalonier ib.

Perswasions to the Nobility to be quiet 29

The same to the People ib.

New reformation in Florence, 1298, 30

The difference in the Family of the Cancellieri, the occasion and consequence ib.

The Bianchi and Neri ib.

Charles of Valois made Governour of Florence 31

New troubles occasioned by Corso Donati 32

The Medici and Giugni 33

Florence burned, 1304, ib.

Corso Donati condemned 34

His Death ib.

New divisions in Florence 35

Castruccio Castracani 35

The Council of the Signori to fit forty months, whereas before it was occasional 37

Election of Magistrates by Inborsation.ib.

Ramondo da Cardona, General of the Florentines ib.

The Duke of Athens Governour of Florence ib.

Lodowic the Emperor called into Italy 38

The death of Castruccio and the Duke of Calabria ib.

New reformation in Florence ib.

The Florentines quiet at home ib.

Their Buildings ib.

A Captain of the Guards 36

Masseo da Marradi ib.

Lucca sold to the Florentines 40

Taken from them by the Pisans ib.

The Duke of Athens ib.

The Speech of one of the Senators to the Duke of Athens 41

The Duke's Answer 42
