Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/351

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Orrery (John, earl of). His Ingratitude to Swift, i. ix. Why he was induced to asperse his memory, i. ix. xix. 215. A poetical epistle sent by him to the dean on his birthday, with a paper book elegantly bound, viii. 145. Specimen of his taste, viii. 415. His observation on the city of Cork, xiii. 324.
Osborn (Francis). His style too courtly and unintelligible, v. 199.
Ossory (bishop of). Empowered to solicit the affair of the first fruits, &c. in Ireland, xi. 82.
Ostracism. Aristides banished by it, ii. 306. What, 331. note.
Oxford. The method used by several colleges there, to preserve the value of their rents, v. 277.
Oxford (Edward, earl of). Married lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles, only daughter of John duke of Newcastle, xiii. 113. Had no vices, except buying manuscripts and curiosites may be called so, 386. Yet sold great part of his large estate, to pay his debts, ibid. 395.
Oysters. Method of boiling them, xv. 278.
Ozell (Mr). A proper assistant in the piece on polite conversation, viii. 267. Some account of him, xviii. 30.


Painter's wife's Island, ii. 130, note.
Palatines. Those who invited them over were enemies to the kingdom. iii. 217. 245. The publick a loser by every individual among them, iv. 147.
Palmerston (lord viscount). His privilege at the university of Dublin, xii. 175. Dr. Swift's correspondence with him on the subject, xix. 38-44.
Panegyrick. Rules for, xvi. 52. Why always worse received than satire, xiii. 425.
Pantomimes. When first exhibited in England, xvii. 59.
Paper Office. A very valuable repository for records, xiii. 294.
Papists. Their interest in Ireland very inconsiderable, iv. 433. v. 329. Those of Ireland invited over the duke of Lorrain, during the usurpation, v. 345. See Popery.
Parish. Some in London had 30000 souls under the care of one minister, viii. 334. Some two hundred times larger than others, ibid.
Parker (chief justice). An officious prosecutor of authors and printers, xi. 175. Would have silenced Dr. Swift as a writer, xv. 332.
Parker (Mr. of Lancashire). Dies of the wounds received at Airsmoss, much lamented, x. 355.
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