Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/10

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Whitshed's Motto on his Coach 272
From Dr. Delany to Dr. Swift 273
The Answer 274
A quiet Life, and a good Name 276
The Birth of manly Virtue 278
Verses on the upright Judge who condemned the Drapier's Printer 282
On the same 283
On the same ib.
Riddles 283—308
A Receipt to restore Stella's Youth 309
Stella s Birth-day, 1724-5 311
Epigram on Wood's Brass Money 313
A Simile on our Want of Silver ib.
Wood an Insect 314
On Wood the Ironmonger 316
Will Wood's Petition 317
A new Song on Wood's Halfpence 319
A serious Poem upon Will Wood 322
To Dr. Sheridan 325
Dr. Sheridan's Answer 327
Dr. Swift's Reply 328
To Quilca 329
Upon stealing a Crown, when the Dean was asleep 330
The Dean's Answer 331
Ode on Science 332
Stella's Birth-day, 1726-7 333
Horace, Book i. Ode 14. paraphrased 336
Verses on St Patrick's Well 338
On reading Dr. Young's Satires 342
The Dog and Thief 344
Advice to the Grub Street Verse Writers 345
Epistle to a Lady 346
Palinodia. Horace, Book i. Ode 16 355
Bec's Birthday 357
On the Collar of Tiger 359
Epigrams on Windows 359—362
To Janus, on New-Year's Day 363
A Pastoral Dialogue between Richmond Lodge and Marble Hill 364
Desire and Possession 368
On Censure 370
The Furniture of a Woman's Mind 371
Clever Tom Clinch 373
Dr. Swift to Mr. Pope, while writing the Dunciad 374
A Love Poem from a Physician 375
