Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/372

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your soul; but I pray Jesus to keep you from staggering through unbelief. May you be strong in faith, giving glory to God! Against hope, may you believe in hope. However your husband may be disposed of, my prayer for you is, "Lord! make her still and resigned." I think the love of Christ constrains me to write you this letter. Who knows but the Lord may bless it to your soul? However, as you love the Lord Jesus, I hope you will receive it as a token of unfeigned christian sympathy and affection from, dear Sister,

Your most unworthy brother and
servant in Christ,
G. W.

LETTER CCCLXXXVIII. To Mr. Peter S——, in London.

Bristol, Jan. 7, 1742.

I Have been obeying your request: I mean, bowing my knees before the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in your behalf. O that he may live before thee; that he may escape the pollutions that are in the world through lust; that he may be filled with all the fulness of God, was the breathing and language of my heart. I trust the Lord is now working upon brother S——. He seems to have had some discoveries of the Redeemer's love. May my dear Peter receive the full assurance of faith, and be truly fixed upon the rock of ages! "Even so Lord Jesus come quickly. Amen and amen." Excuse my writing to you in this manner, but God has put into my heart such an undissembled love for you, and your dear brothers, that I cannot be satisfied 'till I see the Redeemer's love shed abroad in all your hearts by the Holy Ghost. Ah Peter, Peter, I trust Jesus prays for thee, and then the world shall not steal away thy heart from God. Satan hath been sifting me severely, these two or three days. I have had some close combats with the great dragon, but Jesus hath gotten himself the victory. I am enabled greatly to rejoice. For, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptations; when he his tried, he shall receive the crown of life." The brightness of it, even at this distance, dazzles my sight. Yet a little while, and Jesus Christ shall give it unto us. Dear