Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/373

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brother K—— has got the start of us. Happy man! He is at the end of his race. I sympathize with, and have been praying for his surviving friends. The Lord enable us all to walk so circumspectly, that the common enemy may not have an occasion to speak reproachfully of us. But whither am I running? Excuse me, dear Peter. God gives me freedom in writing to, and praying for you. I hope dear brother R—— received my last in good part. God only knows how the happiness of both of you is longed for by, dear brother,

 Yours in the crucified Jesus, G. W.

LETTER CCCLXXXIX. To Mr. J—— C——, in London.

Gloucester, Jan. 28, 1742.

My very dear Brother,

ON Friday last I left Bristol, having first settled affairs almost as I could wish. At Kingswood, I administred the sacrament. On Wednesday night it was the Lord's passover; on Thursday we had a sweet love-feast; on Friday the Lord was with me twice at Tockington; on Saturday morning I broke up some fallow ground at Newport, by preaching with power to about two thousand people, and in the evening to many thousands at Stroud with wonderous power; on Monday morning at Painswick, and ever since twice a day here. Our congregations I think are larger than at Bristol. The word proves sharper than a two-edged sword. Every sermon is blessed. These words follow, "I have much people in this city." I am just now going to Chafford. To-morrow I expect my wife. In my next, I will send you word what I intend to do. I was one day at Bath. I should be glad to see brother R——'s defence before it be published. I told him of it; I believe he will be upon his guard. His soul prospers. Sinless perfection I fear will be propagated in these parts. The Lord in his due time will root out that pernicious weed. I thank you for writing to me. Pray write to me often. God willing, I shall examine Hampton Society to-night. The same I think to do in Wiltshire. I want to be in London as soon as may be. Pray that I may know the Lord's will. We must