Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/374

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away to Chafford. The Lord be with you, and abundantly refresh you. My most tender love awaits all. Brethren, pray for

 Yours most affectionately in Jesus, G. W.

LETTER CCCXC. To the Rev. Mr. G—— T——.

Gloucester, Feb. 2, 1742.

Reverend and dear Brother,

I Have longed for some time to send you a line, and have wondered that I have heard no oftener from you; but as I know my own circumstances, I can the more easily guess how it is with you. God has been very good to me since my arrival. I found when I came at first, I had all my work to begin again. Brother W—— had so prejudiced the people against me, that those who were my spiritual children would not so much as come and see me; nay they have gone by me whilst preaching in Moor-fields, and stopped their ears. This I find in some measure hath been your case, and God wisely permits this, to teach us to cease from man. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians much comforted me. Besides, I was embarrassed with brother Seward's death. He died without making any provision for me, and I was at the same time much indebted for the Orphan-house.—But all this was to humble and prepare me for future blessings. The Lord hath enabled me, blessed be his name, to keep steady to my principles and usual practice. A new and numerous church has been raised at London. In Essex, the Lord was wonderfully with me. Every where the congregations increase. In Bristol God enabled me to fight my way through. We have hired a large hall, and have expounded there twice a day. In Scotland, the work, for its beginning, is rather greater than at New-England. I hear continually of the seed sown increasing, and springing up. God willing, I purpose paying Scotland another visit. I have lately been at Bristol, and both there, and here, and also at London, the word runs and is glorified. Through the tender mercies of our God, I have been carried as on eagles wings through a variety of outward and inward trials. The greatness