Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/130

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The Wreck of a World.

and the fifth or remaining ship hovered on the outskirts of the battle like a neutral spectator or newspaper reporter in a general engagement. And now the Roanoke and America ranged up on either side of the last fighting foe, and poured shot after shot into her bowels, till at last finding this method too slow, the latter drew away to some distance, and then rammed her with such force that she sank in five minutes. A rousing cheer from every throat proclaimed us once more the victors.

But Dana in the Hope now turned towards the cowardly foe that had kept a whole skin during the battle, while the America and Roanoke stood for the harbour, and were welcomed with cheer upon cheer as they steamed victoriously in. We had proved once more that man was lord of the world, and that neither brute-beasts nor monsters of iron and steel could dispute the mastery with him, save when he was already conquered by his own cowardice.

Having welcomed our sailors in hearty fashion we again turned our attention to Dana and his antagonist. The latter still showed no stomach for fighting, but fled, hotly pursued by the Hope. Both were