Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/131

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The Wreck of a World.

miles away before the vessels met. We anxiously looked to see the expected firing, followed by the inevitable ramming; but to our surprise, neither took place. Instead of this the two vessels turned their heads and proceeded homeward in company. It seemed that Dana must have taken her prisoner, and put a prize crew on board, but why had he not rather sunk the hated monster in the depths of the Pacific? We needed no such captives in our peaceful isles.

However we should soon know all. Half an hour's steaming brought the two ships into harbour, the anchors were dropped, a boat put off from the Hope's side, and as we gathered to welcome the gallant admiral of our victorious fleet, what was my amazement—my rapture—my stupefaction, to see him hand on shore My Daughter Aurelia!