Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/55

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The Wreck of a World.

fearful to fight for themselves they had thought it no shame to sacrifice the two men who alone had stood between them and the impending doom.

I should like to have witnessed that last meeting of the council, at which the decision to blow up the bridge was taken. After the flight of my militia the whole city crowded the housetops to see this great sight—the conflict of two men with a thousand monsters. From their coigns of vantage they could see the shots fired, and engine after engine fall, but the main host still continuing its advance. Suddenly the rumour spread, whence none knew, that the bridge was to be blown up. It came to my daughter's ears, who at once rushed down into the street, and penetrated into the sanctuary of the council chamber, to find the fatal order already issued. It appears that my engineer, the man who had placed the mine at my orders, had made the base proposal to the council, which had grasped at it eagerly.

"Is it true," said Aurelia to the Mayor, "that you have decided to blow up the bridge?"

"Wall," said the Mayor, "I guess we thought it