Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/56

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The Wreck of a World.

advisable to save the town——"

"And are you aware, sir, that my father and my"—she choked—"and Lieutenant Gell, the only two men who have dared to strike a blow for their country, their city, their families, aye, and for you, are still on the other side?"

The wretched man muttered, but made no attempt to deny.

"Go!" said Aurelia, striding with flashing eye towards his seat, "you will never sit in that chair again. The city of which you are the appointed ruler has been betrayed by your cowardice. Yes, gentlemen, for you are all in the same boat. I say that as long as you live you will be branded by all honest men and women, aye, and by your own wives and children, as cowards and traitors. And don't think you will save your own precious lives. You will fall by the fate you are so eager to escape, and leave behind you a name that will shame your sons to bear. Go!"

And they obeyed. The Mayor rose and feebly squeaked,—"The meeting is adjourned." As each passed out he was addressed by Aurelia in a few