Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/60

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The Wreck of a World.

few shots, but without effect.

To calm the general nervousness, I determined to get together a meeting of the Town Council. First we called upon the Mayor, but found he had fled, whither was not known, but it was supposed by boat. Going to the houses of the other councillors we were met by the same intelligence. Pretty shepherds these, to quit their flock at the approach of danger!

At all events I would not desert these poor helpless sheep while I could be of any use to them. Mounting the steps of the Council Hall, I took off my hat and motioned for silence.

"Citizens," I said, "we are met in the presence of a great and terrible danger. I have to announce that your chosen magistrates, the Mayor and Councillors, have deserted their posts and run away in the night. Well, if they were afraid, we are well rid of them. Better they should be out of the city than here to paralyse all efforts for the safety of the citizens. But there is no time for forms and ceremonies. If there is any man among you who thinks it is in him to save his fellow-townsfolk, in God's name let him come forward and let us make him our leader, our dictator,