Page:The Wreck of a World - Grove - 1890.djvu/61

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The Wreck of a World.

and promise to obey him to the death."

I paused. Uncertain murmurs from the crowd, and much talking in knots.

"This," I resumed, "is our only chance. Is there none among you who, for the sake of the mothers, the wives, and the children, will take upon him this office?"

I paused again. From various quarters of the throng came cries of "You,—you,—you."

"Fellow citizens," said I once more, "am I to understand that you wish me to be your leader in this crisis?"

Loud and general cries of "Ay— — — — —ay— — — — — —yes— — — — —you're the man."

"It is a great responsibility. But I will undertake it on one condition. Will you all swear to obey me in all I may order, and that cheerfully and willingly, and persuade or compel all others to obey me too?"

A great roar of assent followed.

"All those who are willing to obey me and will swear so to do, hold up their hands."

I believe there was not a hand in the market-place kept down.