Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu/14

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Birds' Protection Society, 92, 192

Bittern, Common, in Malta, 255, 256

Blackbird, male, storing seeds at nest, 181; mimicking notes of, 181; in Malta, 257; and ivy-seeds, 267

Black-game in Suffolk, 557

Blattidæ, 301; regeneration of legs, 45

Blennius gattorugine, 273, 326

Blenny, Gattoruginous, at Great Yarmouth, 273; in Essex, 326

Bombinator igneus, 100; pachypus, 318,—spawning, after two years of captivity in England, 513

Books Noticed:—

Colour in Nature—a Study in Biology, by Marion J. Newbigin, 33
Flashlights on Nature, by Grant Allen, 35
Animals of To-day, their Life and Conversation, by C.J. Cornish, 36
Catalogue of the Syntomidæ in the Collections of the British Museum, by Sir G.F. Hampson, 37
The Last Link, by Ernst Haeckel and Hans Gadow, 89
Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, collected by Arthur Willey, 90
Wild Life at Home: How to Study and Photograph it, by R. Kearton, 91
The Fishes of North and Middle America: a Descriptive Catalogue of the species of Fish-like Vertebrates found in the Waters of North America north of the Isthmus of Panama, by D.S. Jordan and B.W. Evermann, 93
Fossil Medusae, by Charles Doolittle Walcott, 93
Birds of the British Isles, drawn and described by John Duncan, 94
In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea, being the Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist in Australia, New Guinea, and the Moluccas, by Richard Semon, 185
Cambridge Natural History: Birds, by A.H. Evans, 186; Insects, by David Sharp, 425
The Resources of the Sea, as shown in the Scientific Experiments to test the effect of Trawling and of the Closure of certain Areas of the Scottish Shores, by W.C. Mcintosh, 188
Des Hybrides à l'état sauvage—Règne Animal (Classe des Oiseaux), par André Suchetet, 189
A Dictionary of Bird Notes, to which is appended a Glossary of Popular, Local, and Old-fashioned Synonyms of British Birds, by Charles Louis Hett, 190
The Foundations of Zoology, by Wm. Keith Brooks, 227
The Penycuik Experiments, by J.C. Ewart, 229
Wild Animals I have Known, by Ernest Seton Thompson, 230
Report of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during 1897 and 1898, by Eleanor A. Ormerod, 231
A Text-Book of Agricultural Zoology, by Fred F. Theobald, 232
The Geography of Mammals, by William Lutley Sclater and Philip Lutley Sclater, 276
Outlines of Vertebrate Palæontology for Students of Zoology, by Arthur Smith Woodward, 277
Report of U.S. Department of Agriculture (1898), 44; Year-Book (1898), 283
New Zealand Moths and Butterflies, by G.V. Hudson, 278
Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 286
Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees—their relationships, by S.J. Hunter, 287
Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Zoology, 327
An Illustrated Manual of British Birds, by Howard Saunders, 328
Bird-life in a Southern County, being Eight Years' Gleanings among the Birds of Devonshire, by Charles Dixon, 329
Sport in East Central Africa, being an Account of Hunting Trips in Portuguese and other Districts of East Central Africa, by F. Vaughan Kirby, 330
Darwinism and Lamarckism, Old and New, by Frederick Wollaston Hutton, 373
Insects, their Structure and Life—a Primer of Entomology, by Geo. H. Carpenter, 374