Index:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu

Title The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 3 (1899)
Editor William Lucas Distant
Year 1899
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Volumes 1st series

vol 1 (1843), vol 4 (1846)

3rd series

vol 1 (1877), vol 2 (1878)

4th series
vol 1 (1897), vol 2 (1898), vol 3 (1899), vol 4 (1900), vol 5 (1901), vol 6 (1902)
Pages (key to Page Status)
issue 691 (January, 1899)
issue 692 (February, 1899)
issue 693 (March, 1899)
issue 694 (April, 1899)
issue 695 (May, 1899)
issue 696 (June, 1899)
issue 697 (July, 1899)
issue 698 (August, 1899)
issue 699 (September, 1899)
issue 700 (October, 1899)
issue 701 (November, 1899)
issue 702 (December, 1899)
Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 3 (1899)
Issue 691 (January, 1899)
Davenport, Henry Saunderson Original Sketches of British Birds 1
Clarke, William George Early Man in Britain: Spurious Flint Implements 18
Fox, William Storrs Varying Fecundity in Birds 23
Notes and Queries 27
Notices of New Books 33
Editorial Gleanings 40
Issue 692 (February, 1899)
Oldham, Charles Whiskered Bat (Myotis mystacinus) in captivity 49
Salter, John Henry Ornithological Notes from Northern Norway 54
Graves, Frank Stanley & Ralfe, Pilcher George Notes on Shetland Birds 72
Notes and Queries 78
Notices of New Books 89
Editorial Gleanings 95
Issue 693 (March, 1899)
Rope, George Thomas Observations on the Common Toad (Bufo vulgaris) 97
Southwell, Thomas Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery, 1898 103
Gurney Jr., John Henry Ornithological Record from Norfolk for 1898 113
Hartert, Ernst On the First Primary in Passerine Birds 129
Notes and Queries 131
Editorial Gleanings 144
Issue 694 (April, 1899)
Alfred D. Millar Zoological Notes from Natal (with Plate I) 145
Aplin, Oliver Vernon Notes on the Birds of Belgium 149
Basil Davies Fecundity in Each Avine Species, Varying According to Accidents of Locality 164
Fox, William Storrs The Coloration of British Birds and Their Eggs 168
Rey, Dr. Eugène What is the Reason of the Great Variation in Cuckoos' Eggs? 176
Notes and Queries 179
Notices of New Books 185
Editorial Gleanings 191
Issue 695 (May, 1899)
Cordeaux, John Early Spring Migrations 193
Davenport, H.S. Original Sketches of British Birds (part 2) 198
Cronwright-Schreiner, S.C. The Trek-bokke (Gazella euchore) of the Cape Colony 213
Notes and Queries 220
Notices of New Books 227
Editorial Gleanings 234
Issue 696 (June, 1899)
Arrigoni degli Oddi, Count Ettore The Nesting of the Black Kite (Milvus migrans) in the Territory of Verona 241
Hugh Mackay Ornithological Notes from Malta 254
Howard, H.E. Notes on Some Birds from North Worcestershire 259
Friend, Hilderic New British Annelids 262
Notes and Queries 266
Notices of New Books 276
Editorial Gleanings 280
Issue 697 (July, 1899)
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part I) 289
Renshaw, Graham Notes on the Zoological Collections of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp 316
Notes and Queries 320
Notices of New Books 327
Editorial Gleanings 332
Issue 698 (August, 1899)
P.L.S. The Late Sir William Henry Flower (with Plate II) 337
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part II) 341
Warren, Robert Ornithological Notes from North-western Ireland 364
Farman, Last C. Notes from the Haddiscoe Marshes (Norfolk) 366
Notes and Queries 368
Notices of New Books 373
Editorial Gleanings 378
Issue 699 (September, 1899)
[Distant, W.L. (Ed.)] The "Sea-Elephant" (Macrorhinus elephantinus) (with Plate III) 385
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of Nightjars (Caprimulgus europæus),
Mostly of a Sitting Pair. Notes Taken at Time and on Spot.
(part I)
C. Trollope The haunt of the Ring-Ouzel (Turdus torquatus) 403
Stead, David G. A Ramble near Sydney 407
[Distant, W.L. (Ed.)] Obituary for John Cordeaux 415
Notes and Queries 417
Notices of New Books 423
Editorial Gleanings 429
Issue 700 (October, 1899)
Aplin, Oliver Vernon Notes on the Ornithology of Oxfordshire, 1896-1898
(to be continued in vol 4)
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part III) 443
Oldham, Charles The Mode in which Bats secure their Prey 471
Notes and Queries 475
Editorial Gleanings 478
Issue 701 (November, 1899)
Howard, H.E. Ornithological Notes from the North-West of Ireland 481
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of Nightjars (Caprimulgus europæus),
Mostly of a Sitting Pair. Notes Taken at Time and on Spot.
(part II)
Davenport, H.S. Original Sketches of British Birds (part 3) 506
Distant, W.L. (ed.) Ornithological Meeting at Serajevo, Bosnia 511
J.L. Monk On the Spawning of Bombinator pachypus after Two Years of Captivity in England 513
Notes and Queries 516
Notices of New Books 520
Editorial Gleanings 526
Issue 702 (December, 1899)
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part IV) 529
Notes and Queries 554
Editorial Gleanings 559