Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/513

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Belon; but his seventh figure does not represent the Bearded Tit, as Mr. Ridsdale gives us to suppose. It represents one of two things—either his Parus sylvaticus, which was possibly a Fire-crest (from his description of the red colour of its crown, and its other tints), or else the bird with a black head reported to him from France as the Mounier. Aldrovandus refers to the Penduline Tit, if I understand him rightly; but I cannot make out that even Aldrovandus, with all his knowledge of European birds, had ever come across the Bearded Tit. For my part, I see no reason to doubt the correctness of Mr. Gurney's original statement; nor will anyone, I believe, who studies the text of Belon, Gesner, and Aldrovandus with sufficient care.—H.A. Macpherson (The Rectory, Pitlochry, Perthshire).

[Mr. Ridsdale's correction (?) was submitted to Mr. Gurney before publication for any comment he might care to make, but he naturally assumed that his critic must be correct.—Ed.]

Movements of Starlings.—As an appendix to my paper on this subject (ante, p. 131), I should like to add that since writing it I have been told of another "roost" at Petton Park, between Shrewsbury and Wem. The roost consists of large clumps of laurels, rhododendrons, and other evergreen shrubs. The gardener, Mr. Tatton, states that the Starlings resort there in enormous numbers from December to March! This is most interesting, as at that period the other roosts in the county are nearly deserted. It would appear that the Petton roost is the last resort of the Starlings, because in these evergreens they find warmth and shelter when the trees in the other roosts are bare. The roost described by Mr. Corbin (Zool. 1879, p. 215) is of a similar character. He speaks of it as being still used at the end of March. During the present season I have not found a single case of the Starling rearing two broods.—H.E. Forrest (Shrewsbury).

Some Notes on the Swift (Cypselus apus).—May 5th. First Swift appeared. 6th. Four together on the wing this evening. 7th. The full complement of our Swifts for this village seem to be already with us. I believe there is generally little delay after the appearance of the first arrivals before the complete number are with us. 15th. With the cold east winds we had about this date Swifts seemed entirely absent upon the wing, remaining in their nesting-holes and other accommodation, evidently preferring warmth with starvation to facing the uninviting elements. 31st. Windy; very few Swifts upon the wing. 7 p.m., a Swift in the previous year's nesting-hole on the roof of my house. No eggs at present.

June 8th.—Having been from home since previous note, I have been unable to visit the nest before to-night at 9 p.m., when I found the Swift sitting on three eggs,[1] little doubt the laying of one female, as I have never

  1. The eggs are two in number,—Howard Saunders, 'Manual of British Birds.'