Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/94

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Nesting of the Jackdaw.—During the past year two unusual instances of the nesting of Corvus monedula came under my observation. In Hagley Park by far the commonest nesting species are Jackdaws, and their numbers might be estimated from two to three hundred pairs, the old trees, the church, and various other buildings affording the principal nesting accommodation. Two pairs, however, constructed their nests in a small plantation of young spruce-firs, and on May 8th both contained eggs. The nests, as is usual elsewhere, were constructed in a very slipshod manner, and seemingly very insecure; no attempt had been made to form a dome or covering over the nest, the hollow in which the eggs rested being quite shallow. In the other instance, which was during April, a pair were building their nest within a cowled chimney of a house close to the park, the entrance to which always varied according to the direction of the wind.—J. Steele-Elliott (Clent, Worcestershire).

Nightjar hawking May-flies.—When in company with my friend Mr. H. E. Forrest, on May 19th last, watching the hundreds of Noctule Bats and Swifts hawking the May-flies over the River Severn above Bewdley, two Nightjars (Caprimulgus europæus) eventually joined the company, and seemed to be equally aaept in tailing these insects: they remained there for a considerable time—in fact, until too dark for us to make further observations.—J. Steele-Elliott (Clent, Worcestershire).

Shag in West Suffolk.—An immature Shag (Phalacrocorax carbo) was shot on the roof of a house about four miles north of Bury St. Edmunds on December 17th last, which Mr. Travis, the Bury taxidermist, showed me in the flesh a day or two later. The Shag is a far less common bird in East Anglia than the Cormorant, and perhaps not more than half a dozen specimens have been obtained in Suffolk.—Julian G. Tuck (Tostock Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds).

Little Egret in Yorkshire.—Seeing the editorial note in 'The Zoologist' on the proposed continuation of the publication of the Birds of Yorkshire, I am forcibly reminded of a promise I have times and again made myself that I would publish a record of an unrecorded example of the graceful little white Ardea garzetta. As near as I can ascertain, it is about twenty-five years ago since the Chester Society of Natural Science acquired an almost complete collection of British Birds, which, judging from the style of mounting and certain records, had been made during the twenties and thirties of the last century. The whole collection was contained in ordinary box-cases, and almost all the larger sheets of glass used in glazing them were of the old "crown" type, bearing the characteristic nodules. Until the year 1886 this collection was stored in the Society's Rooms in Lower Bridge Street, when it was removed to this Museum. I then found