Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/165

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Crows in number. On Dec. 1st I saw a flock of quite two hundred in a stubble-field outside Autby Wood—a favourite roosting-place.

C. cornix, Linn. Grey Crow.—A few appeared on Oct. 5th. I noticed a good many inland on the wolds on 15th, mostly flying west.

C. frugilegus, Linn. Rook.—Numerous on grass-land in the vicinity of the coast on Oct. 2nd. On 22nd single Rooks were coming in and going W. at short intervals, until one o'clock; almost all appeared to be old birds. On 25th they were still coming in in straggling flocks from E. to W. until two o'clock, both old and young birds travelling together. On Nov. 29th a similar migration took place, the flocks moving in the same direction until two o'clock. As far as I could see the last consisted entirely of young birds.

Alauda arvensis, Linn. Sky-Lark.—Very little visible migration, but the species was present in its usual numbers during the winter. On Oct. 3rd small parties were going N.W. all day. On the 4th a few flocks going N.W., and a smaller number going S. On 22nd large flocks coming in from the sea from E. to W., and on Dec. 1st a few passing S.W. over Grainsby.

Cypselus apus (Linn.). Swift.—Last Swifts seen on Aug. 23rd. The majority left before the middle of the month.

Dendrocopus major (Linn.). Pied Woodpecker.—Fairly numerous in the winter. I saw the first at Grainsby on Oct. 3rd. One was said to have been killed on the Tetney sea-bank on Nov. 16th, and on 26th I saw two recently killed young birds at a Grimsby birdstuffer's.

Alcedo ispida, Linn. Kingfisher.—First seen on Saltfleet Haven on Sept. 6th; a second at North Cotes sluice on 25th, and several along the sea-bank on Oct. 4th.

Coracias garrulus, Linn. Roller.—In the 'Field' of Oct. 5th Mr. L.D. Marsden notes the appearance of a Roller, which was seen at Brackenborough, near Louth, on Aug. 29th, and again on Sept. 26th.

Cuculus canorus, Linn. Cuckoo.—Fairly numerous at Grainsby during the last week of August. Last seen near Scarthoe on Sept. 9th.

Strix flammea, Linn. White Owl.—A single Barn-Owl in a small plantation near the coast at Tetney on Oct. 9th.