Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/166

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Asio otus (Linn.). Long-eared Owl.—A small Owl, probably of this species, near the coast at Tetney on the evening of Sept. 25th.

A. accipitrinus (Pall.). Short-eared Owl.—I flushed two Short-eared Owls from among the thistles on the sea-bank at Tetney and North Cotes on Nov. 20th.

Buteo vulgaris, Leach. Common Buzzard.—A Buzzard was seen near the sea-bank at North Cotes on Oct. 22nd.

Accipiter nisus (Linn.). Sparrow-Hawk.—A few along the sea-bank on Sept. 5th and 6th. Numerous in the vicinity of the coast at the end of September, and all through the first week of October, and two or three in the coast hedges on Oct. 22nd.

Falco peregrinus, Tunst. Peregrine Falcon.—A large Hawk, probably of this species, on the sands off Grainthorpe Haven on Sept. 27th.

F. æsalon, Tunst. Merlin.—First seen on Oct. 5th; one came in from the sea, and passed inland to W. A second at Somercotes on Nov. 1st.

F. tinnunculus, Linn. Kestrel.—Several Kestrels along the coast on Sept. 5th. Very numerous on 20th and 21st, and again a few on Oct. 22nd.

Sula bassana (Linn.). Gannet.—A single young bird on the sea off Donna Nook on Sept. 27th.

Ardea cinerea, Linn. Heron.—Young birds abundant on the coast on the drains and "fitties" on Aug. 23rd.

Anser brachyrhynchus, Baill. Pink-footed Goose.—First seen on Oct. 15th, a flock of between thirty and forty going W. over Grainsby. It was, however, reported that a flock of one hundred was seen at Tetney Lock on 11th. From this date to the first week of November many flocks of Grey Geese were seen both inland and on the coast.

Cygnus musicus, Bechst. Whooper.—Three large Swans were seen on Oct. 1st on North Cotes "fitties."

Tadorna cornuta (S. G. Gmel.). Sheld-Duck.—A flock of about twenty Sheld-Ducks—all apparently young birds—on North Cotes sands on Sept. 5th, and a few in the same place on 20th.

Anas boscas, Linn. Mallard.—Several large flocks of Wild Ducks appeared on the sea off Saltfleet on Sept. 27th. During