Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/169

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T. canutus, Linn. Knot.—A few small flocks of Knots appeared on North Cotes sands on Sept. 26th, and some very large flocks on Nov. 5th.

Calidris arenaria (Linn.). Sanderling.—Very scarce; only saw four—two adults and two young—between Saltfleet and Grainthorpe on Sept. 3rd. On 27th I noticed a few small flocks containing both old and young birds in the same locality.

Machetes pugnax (Linn.). Ruff.—Saw a single Ruff on Grainthorpe "fitties" on Sept. 6th.

Totanus hypoleucus (Linn.). Common Sandpiper.—I found these birds abundant in all the marsh-drains near the coast on my arrival in Lincolnshire in the middle of August, and a few remained in the district until Sept. 28th.

T. ochropus (Linn.). Green Sandpiper.—As in the case of the last species, the Green Sandpiper was abundant by the middle of August. It had become scarce by Sept. 22nd, and I last saw it on Nov. 3rd.

T. calidris (Linn.). Redshank.—Very large flocks on Grainthorpe "fitties" on Sept. 3rd.

T. fuscus (Linn.). Spotted Redshank.—I saw two of these birds in a "crike" in a field near the coast at North Cotes on Aug. 16th, and again at the same place on 28th, with a party of five Greenshanks. One was caught by a Plover-catcher at Tetney on Sept. 23rd.

T. canescens (Gmel.). Greenshank.—Several Greenshanks on Tetney "fitties" on Aug. 23rd, and a great many both at Tetney and North Cotes on 28th.

Limosa lapponica (Linn.). Bar-tailed Godwit.—A flock of about a dozen Godwits on Grainthorpe "fitties" on Sept. 3rd.

Numenius arquata (Linn.). Curlew.—Curlews were passing S. over Grainsby in great numbers on the night of Aug. 14th. Some large flocks appeared on the coast on 28th, and the species was abundant through the autumn and winter.

N. phæopus (Linn.). Whimbrel.—This usually abundant species was almost entirely absent. I saw a few on Aug. 16th, only one on 28th, and all were gone before the middle of September.

Sterna macrura, Naum. Arctic Tern.—Very scarce; I saw two on Sept. 6th near Grainthorpe Haven. On 27th a few small