Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/170

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flocks of Terns off Donna Nook. Almost all appeared to belong to this species, but possibly there were a few Common Terns among them.

Larus argentatus, Gmel. Herring-Gull.—On Aug. 31st flocks of Herring-Gulls in V-formation were passing S. all day over Grainsby. They were flying at a great height, and calling incessantly. On Sept. 1st they were still passing, but in smaller numbers. On Sept. 3rd I noticed that Herring-Gulls were very scarce on the coast, but the Great Black-backed Gulls were present by thousands, quite nine out of ten being adult birds.

Megalestris catarrhactes (Linn.). Great Skua.—On Sept. 21st I saw a very large dark-coloured Skua off Donna Nook, which probably belonged to this species.

Stercorarius pomatorhinus (Temm.). Pomatorhine Skua.—A beautiful adult bird of this species was shot in a drain near the coast at Tetney by one of the Plover-catchers on Sept. 4th.

S. crepidatus (Gmel.). Arctic Skua.—I saw the first of these birds on Sept. 3rd. On 6th there was an adult of the white-breasted form, and, lastly, a single bird on 27th.

Podicipes fluviatilis (Tunst.). Little Grebe.—First appeared on the coast on Sept. 25th at North Cotes, a single bird in full summer plumage. It was rather numerous during the winter on the brooks and marsh-drains.