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  • understanding of those who hear the communication.

The teachings of Jesus, I think, are straightforward enough, if you will come to the plane of understanding to which they were addressed. Being spiritual, they can not be truly represented by natural ideas and language. For that reason he was obliged to teach by the use of parables, figures, and similes; and when he had done the best he could, the disciples, being educated in the natural plane, interpreted his language naturally, and, consequently, misapplied what he said. This is the fault to the present day. The truths he sought to communicate were peculiarly spiritual, and natural language could only represent them when used figuratively; hence he made choice of such similes or parables as would convey his meaning approximately, yet not without liability of material error. Hence he declared to his disciples, with whom he had been so long familiar, that they did not understand him, and could not, until the Spirit of truth should come to lead them into the truth of what he had taught. Language could not convey the truth, else it would undoubtedly have been so given. He knew how to describe the things of the Spiritual world so far as they could be described, for the Spirit had been poured out upon him without measure; but natural language could not portray the truths, scenery, and events of the Spirit-world.

The only perfect mode of communication is the interior method, or communication by inspiration. As a means of becoming wise, it becomes necessary for us to seek by some means to come into interior communion with the Spirit-world and Divine Being, since we