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can not by outward means arrive absolutely at the truth. If we will know that truth which is required to build us up into eternal life, we must ascertain what conditions are necessary to be observed to bring us into interior communion with the Spirit, so that without outward sign they can flow directly into our consciousness, and be written upon the thought or heart, as was said, "I will put my law into their understandings, and I will write it upon their affections." Thus truth must come to us without any recourse to Bibles or any other standard whatever. It so happens that the means by which we are to attain to interior communion are open to all. It is possible for every person to come into rapport with the interior spheres. According to one's ruling love or desire will be his affinity or communion with the spheres of the Spirit-world. If that be high, his communion will be high. If low, his communion will be low.

I will illustrate what I mean by interior communication. Suppose that some of you have a pain in the head. After your best attempts to describe it to me by natural language, I might not get of it a correct idea. But by putting myself in a negative condition to you, I could receive the pain myself, and be able to understand its character precisely. You thus communicate through the nervous medium interiorly. Many persons in public assemblies are liable to receive headaches of others by coming into rapport with them.

In each there is that which corresponds to all the media in the outward universe. There is a material earth, and I possess a material body. There is