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they may be united in the same individual, and he may be competent to discover disease and to prescribe its remedy. I refer to this simply to correct the false impression that clairvoyance is a wondrous power. It is one of the simplest powers in nature. It is one of the powers that may be made use of to bless; but if not properly understood, it may be made use of to curse. What is true in regard to this nervous medium is true also of thought. You often witness cases of this kind in mesmeric and magnetic experiments, when the subject and operator being brought into rapport, whatever one thinks the other thinks—what one wills the other wills. The idea is transmitted perfectly.

There is what is called thought-reading. This is governed by the same law precisely as that of which I have been speaking. One mind communicates its motion to the other by means of a medium, just as I communicate to your organs of hearing the vibrations of my organs of speech, through the medium of the atmosphere. When I have a thought which is an active condition of the mind, which may be denominated mental action, it is transmitted to the Spirit-medium or Spiritual atmosphere, and undulates through that until it strikes upon that receptive mind where the same motion is communicated, and the same thought produced, and the thought is impressed upon the consciousness. The one receiving it perceives it precisely as its communicator. Such a communication does not depend upon the Understanding simply for its perfection. This is what we call interior communication. According to the elevation of our Spiritual sphere in the sphere of truth or love, as we approach the infinite