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and absolute, will be the perfection of this method of communication. If we are very low, it corresponds very much to the external mode. But as we raise, it becomes more interior and refined, until finally, being unfolded to the plane of the absolute in our consciousness, perceptions, and affections, we shall come into direct rapport with the infinite, and receive communications directly from the Divine—not by any outward sign or symbol, but by the inflowing of the Divine thought and affection. This is the way and the only way that Spiritual truths can be communicated. The reason that Jesus of Nazareth did not communicate sufficient truth to the world to enlighten it, was simply because the world was not prepared to receive it. He said that he had many things to communicate, but they could not bear them. He also said that the man coming after him, living the life he had lived, should do greater things, because there would be a higher and wider plane. The world was too low, too animal, to receive his doctrine. For that reason he was obliged to go away, saying to his disciples that they did not understand him, and it was necessary that the Spirit of truth should come and illumine their understandings before they could understand him.

If I wish to understand Spiritual truth, no man or medium can be a medium for me, and I can not be a medium for you. Jesus of Nazareth can not be a medium for one of you, nor can God himself. Every individual who would understand the truths of the Spiritual world must be his or her own medium. God must write his law upon your understanding, and put it in your affections. If you want to become mediums