Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/138

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of itself dead—that all life and consciousness flows directly and indirectly from the Divine Being, and that there can be no manifestation except as connected with the Divine Being. The idea that magnetism, electricity, or nerve-force has power of itself, is altogether false. They are only connecting parts in the universe, uniting the Divine on one hand with matter on the other. They are mere media of communication between the Fountain of all power on the one hand, and the recipient of power on the other. Let us for illustration observe a manufacturing establishment. One part of the machinery is perhaps concerned in scouring and cleansing wool; another part cards it into rolls; another part spins them into yarn; another part weaves the yarn into cloth; and another part dresses the cloth. Each of these parts seems to be disconnected from the other parts, and each seems to be accomplishing a specific end; but you will find that all parts are connected one with the other, and all connected with the primary power in the basement. In the water-wheel or steam-engine there is a power which puts them all in motion. The parts next to it are negative to it, and receptive of its power; and these parts, though negative to the principal power, are positive to those parts more remote. All parts are in motion, all moving as the primary wheel moves. Break the connection anywhere between the parts, and those parts beyond the connection cease to move. But establish the connection, and they will again commence their motion. Every part is negative to the primary power, but positive to all more remote from it than itself. No one of the parts has a power to move itself, and unless there