Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/139

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is a connection maintained between the primary power and the several parts, they will cease to move. So with all media through which potential manifestations are made. Electricity has no power of itself. It is only by its connection with that which is nearer to the great self-existent Being that it derives all its power to act. Next comes magnetism, which derives all the power it possesses from the power which precedes it. Next is the life-force, which is negative to all nearer to God than itself, and receives its power from them, but is positive to all others. Next comes the nerve-force; and next the spirit, which derives all its power from the Divine Fountain. It is the medium through which all power is imparted to all that is more exterior than itself. I have the power to move my arm—by my will to make potential manifestations through this arm. If, however, by any means, you break any of the links out of the chain which unites the divine in me, through my spirit, with the matter of my arm—abstract the electricity, the magnetism, or nerve-force—I lose all power over my arm. Bisect the motor-nerve, which connects my arm with my brain, and my arm will hang lifeless by my side. There are all of the media there, but they are not continuously connected with my brain, and through that with the Divine Fountain. But if you will throw a current of electricity down the nerves of my arm, you will produce an extension of it. So you may withdraw the nerve-force, or the vital force from my arm, and it will cease to exist. My arm will be no longer subject to sensation, because you have broken the link between sensation and matter.

We then, as individuals, possessing in ourselves all