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things in secret, and yet seeketh to be known openly; for," says John, "his brethren did not believe on him." Christ, even with his high degree of receptivity, found it necessary at times to call to his aid surrounding minds; and he could not always perform his work without faith being reposed in him. The question was very often asked by him, "Believe ye that I am able to do this?" When he had performed the cure, he immediately said "It is faith that did it." They had no faith in him as the Son of God, as supposed by some, but simply in his power to work a cure.

I desire to enforce the idea, that if we wish to be mediums of high and exalted powers for the removal of diseases, it becomes necessary that we should be highly developed, not only physically, but spiritually and religiously. A high order of the absolute religious development is very essential to great power as a healing medium, because this highest nature, this absolute nature, in man, much more than any other, serves to unite him with the absolute Fountain of all power. The highest development of this religious nature in man is necessary to give him a clear perception of the nature of disease and the means for its removal. The man who has this religious faculty highly developed, needs not that any man should say anything to him of man, for he knows what is within him. Clairvoyant mediums know very well that that condition which enables them to see most clearly the state of the individual is that which is high and exalted; for when their thoughts and aspirations seem to be ascending—like the odor from the flower—there is a sort of con-