Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/143

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  • scious exhalation going forth permeating every thing

around the individual, and he sees and feels clearly the condition of everything by which he is surrounded.

There is nothing in the world which summons the human being to such a degree of activity as that which we call the religious nature—there is nothing which takes hold of him so deeply. What other influence in the world could cause a mother to destroy her babe, but the stimulating influence of this religious nature, coming up as it does from the deepest fountain of the soul? Make a man believe that his religious nature requires sacrifice, and he will make that sacrifice, cost what it may, simply because his religious nature wells up so strong when it is moved, that there is nothing outward which can resist it. When the individual's religious nature is highly developed, it is more powerful than all his other natures.

We will become healing mediums just in proportion as we are developed in this religious nature, so that we shall become more receptive and perceptive, and be enabled to exercise stronger mental power to accomplish our results. But a healthy physical development is quite as essential to good mediumship as is a high and healthy spiritual development. Good organs of impartability are required. Secure a good harmonic physical with a good harmonic spiritual development, knowing that you are receptive on the Spiritual side, and impartive on the physical side.

There is much folly connected with mediumship. That such should be the case with people so profoundly ignorant as the majority of mankind are with reference even to their having souls, is by no means surprising.