Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/156

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by what is called psychologic representation. If I come into rapport with any mind yet in the body, which mind is in rapport with me, I can create any spiritual image in your mind that I may see fit to make; that is, I can cause the image in me to reproduce itself in you—so that that image in my mind shall be reproduced in your consciousness, as the object before the camera daguerreotypes its image on the prepared plates. Now suppose that between us one or more guardian Spirits are passing. The Spirit coming into rapport with me, and having a full and perfect perception of you, can, by the intensity of his mental action, daguerreotype my image upon your consciousness. You then perceive me by the phychological action which that Spirit exerts upon your mind. It is in this way that we can apparently meet and see each the other's form, just as though it were present. But if we were more susceptible, there would be no necessity of having the intervention of a guardian Spirit. If we are both so developed as to clairvoyantly perceive one another, the conversation can go on, though both are in the body, and you in Lndon and I in New York. We see each other as though we were present one with the other. It does not follow, however, that my spirit is present in two places at the same time; but that which represents it is universally present. The question may arise, why we can not, upon passing into the clairvoyant condition, see all the Spirits in the universe—because they are all in rapport with this spiritual atmosphere. I will explain. Suppose we have ten thousand strings strung from the ceiling to the floor, and they are made to give forth