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certain sounds. Now all that have the same degree of tension will give forth the same sound. The vibration of one will cause all the others to vibrate which have the same degree of tension. Take any stringed musical instrument, and vibrate one of the strings. If any other of the strings has the same point of tension, it will vibrate. Now when my spirit comes in contact with the Spiritual sphere and sustains the same relation to any Spirit that the strings sustain to each other, I can see that Spirit. Upon the same principle I may see all who are in the condition to respond to my spirit. When my consciousness will undulate to their conscious vibrations, I perceive them, and not till then.

If a Spirit is not present, except by that which represents it, it will appear useless to open doors to permit Spirits to enter, for a door is as transparent to the medium by which they are represented, as a pane of glass is to the medium of light. Jesus appeared in the midst of his disciples, though they were shut up; and when the time came for his disappearance, he ceased to be seen, not by going out of the door or window, but by disturbing the conditions by which he was represented to their consciousness.

In respect of Spirit-mansions, etc., in the Spiritual world, we are very liable to mistake representation for actuality. We are very liable to mistake images of things—creations, so to speak, proceeding from the minds of the Spirits—for actualities. We are very apt to perceive animals. Some think that animals have a living form and exist in the Spiritual world; but I pretend to say that it is not true. I know very