Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/184

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body he gets rid of all his impurity, has caused many to greatly venerate Spiritual communications, and attach to them much authority. I remember that it was with much deference that I listened to the first communications which came from the Spirit-world; but I very soon learned that a Spirit was not necessarily wiser because of his separation from the body, and that he required quite as much watching as one in the body. Not that they are below the world; for when you have taken an average of the justice and wisdom of the world, you will find that the standard it could set up would not be very high. When you look over the earth and witness the very low state of character of the human race here, why should you wonder that Spirits of a very low character should hover around us and manifest themselves to the world.

There was some philosophy in Dr. Beecher's conclusion, that the manifestations were Spiritual, but devilish; for the majority of these manifestations come from the very lowest Spirits. There is no use in denying it. But the fault is all our own if a Spirit of an undeveloped character comes in communication with us and controls us; for I have power, which is superior to all their finite power, to prevent their controlling me. If I will live the life I should, I can be protected from all such influences. If a Spirit of a low character comes into rapport with you to control you, it is your fault. It is because you are not in that true condition of soul by which you come into rapport with Spirits of a pure and wise character. It is nevertheless unphilosophical for any individual to say that, because there are low Spirits, he will have nothing to do