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with Spiritual communications. It would be equally unphilosophical to say, because there are good Spirits, that all Spiritual communications should be received.

In respect of developing mediums, I wish to say, that if they are to be developed for curiosity's sake, they had better remain undeveloped. But if it is desired to bring them into conditions to redeem them, it is all very well. But no person should permit himself to become passive in his feelings and affections while waiting for Spirits to come and develop him as a medium; for in that condition he will be liable to be influenced by bad Spirits. He may become the instrument of one of the lowest and most debasing influences, and may be influenced to commit the most filthy and disgusting deeds. While the body should be passive, the affections should be ardent, the soul must send forth its most earnest aspirations.

You need not read from the Bible or the Koran. What is needed is to keep your hearts right. Let the aid for which you seek have strict reference to keeping the affections right. We need to guard against being influenced by those low Spirits who are waiting round us to seek self-gratification. If you wish to commune with Spirits, you yourself must determine what shall be the class of Spirits with whom you will commune. If you would commune with Jesus, you must come upon his plane. If you would commune with the Divine Father, you must become like him. You must assume the character of the class of Spirits with which you wish to commune. By observing this law we need not have so much of this low manifestation. We