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above the lustful plane which seeketh its own, and which loves to gratify its passion, desires, and appetites, in one form or another, and that he or she is loving in harmony with God, and wills and acts in accordance with the divine impulses.

Look abroad into society, look at the love of the world, and see how many there are who love their neighbor with an unselfish love—how many are so careful to be exactly just with their neighbor as they are careful to have their neighbor be exactly just to them. There are many who watch the scale to see if it preponderates in their favor; and if the merchant gives good weight, they speak well of him; but if he does not give good weight, they are very ready to speak ill of him. When you come to see how much better they love to have justice done to them than they love to do justice to others, you have an indication that the lustful nature is somewhat alive and active in their breast. The individual who is conscious that his desire is earnestly to be just, will be as careful not to do an injustice to his neighbor as he would be cautious to avoid an injury to himself—will no sooner circulate defamatory remarks against his neighbor than he would defame himself. When you find an individual thus acting, you may be certain that he has risen from the first plane and is entering the second. But I am sorry to say that in the vast majority of cases you will find lust lamentably present. I called your attention to this in my last lecture, showing you how it was manifested in almost every sphere of life, even in performing the duties of a father, brother, husband, or wife.