Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/66

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In the majority of cases man and society are loved for their uses.

When it is desired to ascertain whether we belong to the first or the second sphere—to the sphere of Gehenna or Paradise—we need only to determine the quality of the affection that rules in us, to see whether it be looking mainly to our own gain, or whether we rise above self and go out to seek the well-being of man. We sometimes mistake, thinking that we love a man himself, when we love his influence or society, because by it we think we can be elevated in our social condition. We ought, therefore, to be careful in trying ourselves to know to which plane of affection we belong, lest some of these considerations outside of the individual influence us, lest that we mistake for love that which, proved by the true standard, will appear to be selfishness and lust.

When one possesses a love for the well-being of all, he is willing to contribute liberally and freely of his strength and talent for the redemption of all, and has an unwillingness to be found at any time as the representative of that idea which would tend to degrade or crush any human being. There is no being so low in the scale of humanity as to be beneath his efforts to raise him up; and if the tyrant should stand upon the neck of the weak, his impulse is to push that tyrant off and break away the captive's chains, because he can not see his brother fettered without feeling fettered himself—can not see the humblest human being outlawed without seeing all humanity insulted. The individual who has not seen enough of the dignity of the nature of humanity to fulfill the duty he owes to uni-