Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/63

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Well, good-bye then, mother dear!
Patience; I'll be back ere long

[Is going, but turns, holds up his finger warningly, and says:

 Careful now, don't kick and sprawl! [Goes.


Peer!—God help me, now he's off;
Reindeer-rider! Liar! Hei!
Will you listen!—No, he's striding
O'er the meadow——! [Shrieks.] Help. I'm dizzy!

Two Old Women, with sacks on their backs, come down the path to the mill.

First Woman.

Christ, who's screaming?


                         It is I!

Second Woman.

Åse! Well, you are exalted!


This won't be the end of it;—
Soon, God help me, I'll be heaven high

First Woman.

Bless your passing!


                    Fetch a ladder;
I must be down! That devil Peer——