Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/64

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Second Woman.

Peer! Your son?


                Now you can say
You have seen how he behaves.

First Woman.

We'll bear witness.


                    Only help me;
Straight to Hegstad will I hasten——

Second Woman.

Is he there?

First Woman.

             You'll be revenged, then;
Aslak Smith will be there too.


[Wringing her hands.]

Oh, God help me with my boy;
They will kill him ere they're done!

First Woman.

Oh, that lot has oft been talked of;
Comfort you: what must be must be!

Second Woman.

She is utterly demented. [Calls up the hill.
Eivind, Anders! Hei! Come here!

A Man's Voice.

What's amiss?

Second Woman.

              Peer Gynt has perched his
Mother on the mill-house roof!