Page:The constitution of Japan - with the laws pertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the Imperial palace, February 11th, 1889 (IA cu31924023459880).pdf/28

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The Constitution of Japan.

Article II.—The Governor of a Fu or of a Ken shall superintend elections in the election districts in his Fu or Ken.

Elections in an election district shall be superintended either by the Guncho (Head of Rural District) or by the Shicho (Head of Municipality) in the capacity of Chairman of Election.

Article III.—When an election district extends over more than one Gun (Rural District) or Shi (Municipality), the Governor of the Fu or Ken shall appoint one of the Guncho or one of the Shicho for the Chairman of Election.

Article IV.—When there are more than one election district within the limits of a Shi, the Governor of the Fu or Ken shall appointed the Kucho (Head of Urban District) for the Chairman of Election.

Article V.—Expenses of election shall be defrayed out of the local taxes.

Chapter II.—Qualifications of Electors.

Article VI.—Every elector is required to possess the following qualifications:—

1. He must be a male Japanese subject and be not less than full twenty-five years of age.

2. He must have fixed his permanent residence and actually resided in the Fu or Ken, for not less than one year, previous to the date of the drawing up of the electoral list, and must be still residing therein.

3. For not less than one year previous to the date of the making out of the electoral list, he must have been paying, in the Fu or Ken, direct national taxes to the amount of not less than fifteen yen, and must be still paying the same.

But in the case of income tax, he must have been paying it for not less than full three years previous to the same date, and must be still paying it.

Article VII.—In the case of a person that has succeeded to an estate by inheritance, the amount of taxes paid on the estate by his predecessor shall be counted in for his qualification.

Chapter III.—Qualifications of Eligible Persons.

Article VIII.—Those alone shall be eligible, that are male Japanese subjects of not less than full thirty years of age, and that, in the Fu or Ken, in which they desire to be elected, have been paying direct national taxes to an amount of not less than fifteen yen, for a period of not less than one year, previous to the date of the making out of the electoral list, and that are still paying that amount of direct notional taxes.

As to income tax, however, if is required that eligible persons shall have been paying it for a period of not less than three years previous to the date of the making out of the electoral list, and that they be still paying it.

Article IX.—Officials in the Imperial Household Department, Officials of Justice, Auditors, Revenue Officials, and Police Officials shall not be eligible.