Page:The constitution of Japan - with the laws pertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the Imperial palace, February 11th, 1889 (IA cu31924023459880).pdf/29

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The Constitution of Japan.

Officials other than those enumerated in the preceding clause may, so long as their official functions are not thereby interfered with, serve as Members, retaining their official position.

Article X.—The officials of a Fu, Ken, or Gun shall not be eligible within the limits the jurisdiction of their respective offices.

Article XI.—The officers of a Shi, Town or Village, engaged in the management of an election, shall be not eligible within their respective election districts.

Article XII.—Shinto priests, and priests and teachers of religion of all kinds, shall be ineligible.

Article XIII.—When a member of a Fu or Ken Assembly has been elected Member of the House of Representatives, and has accepted the election, he shall resign his former seat.

Chapter IV.—Rules Applicable in Common to Electors and to Eligible Persons.

Article XIV.—Any person, falling within any of the following categories, shall be disqualified as an elector or as an eligible person:—

1. Lunatics and idiots.

2. Undischarged bankrupts.

3. Persons who have been deprived of public rights or whose public rights are suspended.

4. Those who have been sentenced to confinement, when full three years have not yet elapsed since the completion or pardon of their sentences.

5. Persons who have been sentenced by the old Criminal Law to penal servitude for not less than one year, or to imprisonment for a political offence for not less than one year, when full three years have not yet elapsed since the completion or pardon of their sentences.

6. Persons who have been punished for gambling, when full three years have not yet elapsed since the completion or pardon of their sentences.

7. Persons whose right to elect and to be elected is suspended on account of an offence connected with an election.

Article XV.—Men in the Army or in the Navy cannot exercise the right to elect or to be elected, while they are in actual service. The same rule applies to those who have temporarily retired from actual service, or who have been suspended therefrom.

Article XVI.—The toshu (pater-familias) of families of nobility shall be incapable of electing or of being elected Members of the House of Representatives.

Article XVII.—Any person, against whom a criminal prosecution has been brought, and who is in detention or is under bail, shall be incapable of exercising the right to elect or to be elected, until the completion of the proceedings.

Chapter V.—Electoral List.

Article XVIII.—The Chairman of Election shall cause the Chocho (Head of Town) and the Soncho (Head of Village) of an election district, to make a list of all the persons in the district having qualifications to elect, and make out two copies thereof by the 1st of Arpil in each year: one of the copies shall be forwarded to the Chairman of Election before the 20th of the same month.