Page:The constitution of Japan - with the laws pertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the Imperial palace, February 11th, 1889 (IA cu31924023459880).pdf/30

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The Constitution of Japan.

In this electoral list shall be entered the name, official rank, profession, class, residence, and date of birth of each elector, and the total amount of direct national taxes paid by him, and the place in which such taxes are paid.

Article XIX.—In a Shi, the electoral list shall be made out in the following manner:—

1. When the whole Shi or a Ku (Urban District) thereof constitutes an election district, the Chairman of Election shall compile the electoral list.

2. When several Ku of a Shi are united into one election district, the Kucho of each Ku shall compile the electoral list for his respective district, and forward it to the Chairman of Election.

3. When, in case Gun and Shi are united into one election district, the Guncho assumes the functions of Chairman of Election, the Shicho shall compile the electoral list and forward it to the Chairman of Election.

4. In the case mentioned in the last clause, when the Shicho serves as Chairman of Election, he shall compile the electoral list of the Shi.

Article XX.—When an elector is paying direct national taxes without the limits of the selection district in which he is residing, he shall obtain, to that effect, the certificate of the Chocho, Soncho, Shicho, or Kucho, of the place in which he is paying such taxes, and forward it before the date for the compilation of the electoral list, to the Chocho, Soncho, Shicho, or Kucho, entrusted with the management of the voting.

Article XXI.—The Chairman of Election shall amalgamate into one all the electoral lists forwarded by the respective Chocho, Soncho, Shicho, or Kucho, making one list for each election district. He shall keep it in the Gun, Shi, or Ku Office, concerned in the management of the election, and send a duplicate of it to the Governor of the Fu or Ken.

Article XXII.—The Chairman of Election shall, during fifteen days commencing from the 5th of May in each year, exhibit for public inspection a copy of the electoral list of each election district, in the Gun, Shi or Ku Office concerned in the management of the election.

Article XXIII.—When any one possessing the qualifications to elect, discovers an omission or the wrong registration of a name in an electoral list, he may claim that correction be made, by giving to the Chairman of Election, during the period of public inspection, written notice and his reasons therefor, together with corroborative evidence.

After the expiration of the period for public inspection, no notice mentioned in the foregoing clause shall be entertained.

Article XXIV.—Upon the receipt of a notice about omission, the Chairman of Election shall examine the reasons alleged and the evidence adduced, and shall give his decision within twenty days from the receipt of such notice. When he decides the notice to be relevant, he shall immediately register the name omitted, and communicate the circumstances to the Chocho, Soncho, Shicho, or Kucho of the place in which the person in question is residing, at the same time publishing the fact in the election district.

Article XXV.—Upon the receipt of a notice of wrong registration, the Chairman of Election shall examine the reasons alleged and evidence adduced, and in case of necessity shall summon and examine the person, who has given the said notice, and the one concerning whom the notice has been given. The matter shall be decided within twenty days from