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Sir Iſaac Newton, Kt. Preſident

of the Royal Society.


THE greateſt help I have receiv'd in writing upon this Subject having been from your Incomparable Works, eſpecially you Method of Seres; I think it my Duty publickly to acknowledge, that the Improvements I have made in the matter here treated of, are principally derived from your ſelf. The great benefit which has accrued to me in this reſpect, requires my ſshare in the general Tribute of Thanks due to you from the Learned World: Bur one advantage, which is more particularly my own, is the Honour I have frequently had of being admitted to your private Converſation, wherein the doubts I have upon any Subject relating to Mathematics, have been reſolved by you with the greateſt Humanity and Condeſcention. Thoſe Marks