Page:The doctrine of chances- or, a method of calculating the probability of events in play (IA b30412390).pdf/12

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The Dedication.

Marks of your Favour are the more valuable to me, becauſe I had no other pretence to them, but the earned: deſire of underſtanding your ſublime and univerſally uſeful Speculations. I ſhould think my ſelf very happy, if, having given my Readers a Method of calculating the Effects of Chance, as they are the reſult of Play, and thereby fix’d certain Rules, for eſtimating how far ſome fort of Events may rather be owing to Deſign than Chance, I could by this ſmall Eſſay excite in others a deire of proſecuting theſe Studies, and of learning from your Philoſophy how to collect, by a juſt Calculation, the Evidences of exquiſite Wiſdom and Deſign, which appear in the Phenomena of Nature throughout the Univerſe. I am, with the utmoſt Reſpect,


Your moſt Humble
and Obedient Servant,
A. De Noivre.