Page:The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland ( Volume 3).djvu/300

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ane walter tabill at the heich that it is now vnder the thak inlikwise with ane wthir walter tabill abone the thak on the est gauill of the queir weill pendit in half round to the said queir vnder the said tabill inlikeuise weill thekit with thak stane And sall rais abone the said tabill in the est gauill of the queir and abone the turneqres and the tabill thairof tua lichtis als fair as thai may be had efferand to the heicht of the queir And abone the walter tabill abone the thak of the revestre and thre penis thairof to ryse cunteranis of buttreis vpoune the said eist gauill thre penis thairof And the remanent of the said queir to be endit of the lenthe and widenes as it is foundit and in heicht fra the sollis of the said queir duris to the vuer pairt of the walter tabill vnder the thak thairof xxxij futtis And the south thre lychtis in the sydevall of the said queir betuix the foure buttreis to ryse as thai are foundit als heich as thai may be had in the pend of the said queir efferand to the heich foirsaid And the saidis buttereis tobe compleit endit as thai ar now foundit And the north turneqres in the west pairt of the north sydevall thairof tobe tane avay And the said north vall to ryse xvj futtis of heicht as it is foundit rouch werk with corbell and walter tabill on the vther pairt thairof for ane closter and fra thine vp effeirand to the heicht of the said queir aislar werk And the said queir tobe compleitlie pendit with croce brace and rinruif conforme to Sanct Anthonis Yle in Sanct Gelis Kirk And at the west end of the said queir forgane the south west buttreis to rais ane substantious wall of rouch werk sevin fut of breid fra ilk sydewall with ane brace to be raisit tharein als heych as it may be had to serue the west gavil of the queir with hewin oggeruris And abone the said brace in the forsaid west gavill sulyeis tobe laid and ane stepil tobe raisit tharepoun viij futis of breid and lenth or vj futis braid and xij futis lenth within the sidwallis of the said stepill quhilk sidwallis salbe of vj futis of heich abone the queir thak at all partys with lychtis at all partis for the sound of the bellis in the said stepill to be persit for the orlage hand and bell in place maist gagand and convenient tharto And in the northe angell betuix the foresaid wall vnder the grete brace and northe wall of the kirk syd to rais ane commodious turngreis to serue the rud loft of the said kirk and stepill foresaid als esaly as it may be had Item to big ane kirk on the west pair(t) of the said queir nixt the said brace contenand in lenthe iiijxx of futis and xxviij futis braid within the wallis respectiue of rouche werk And the wallis thairof to be foure futis thik and xxvj futis heych fra the sole of the durris to the vuir part of the watter tabill of syd wallis with foure buttreis one ilk syd of the said kirk eslar werk efferand to the queir and four lycht to be biggit in the southsyd wall of the said kirk of x futis of wydnes and als heych as thai may be had squair lintalit efferand to the said heicht And in the southe wall of the said kirk betuix the twa buttreis to be biggit ane honest dur with ane plain proche with sege stabill on ilk syd thikyt with thak stane and ane honest dur in the west gavill of the said kirk with ane lycht abone the samen in myd gavill xij futis of breid rysand of heich in poyntcast als heich as it may be had efferand to the heycht of the gavill with sufficient mygallis in all the lychtis of the said kirk and queir with plane substantious cornettis of stane or irne quhilk salbe thocht maist gainand in the lychtis raisit of poyntcast And to put in ilk lycht of the wyndois grete lokartis of irne for binding of glas thareto And inlikuiss to put grete crukis in the said kirk durrys as efferis And the said haill kirk to be pendyt and weill thekyt with thak stane and the watter tabill of the sidwallis of the said kirk and queir to be larg of sulye betuix buttreis and buttereis and in ane caisment hevin for leid to be lad thairin to