Page:The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland ( Volume 3).djvu/301

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schout the watter by the wyndowis of the said kirk and queir to the angellis next the buttreis And ilk buttere of the foirsaid kirk and queir to haif ane honeste fiall And the alter of the queir tobe biggit of aislar werk and the haill queir tobe weill pathit with greis befoir the said alter and vther wayis as efferis with tua halie wattir fattis weill hewin to the said kirk and queir And the foirsaidis kirk and queir to be biggit and completit in maner foirsaid That is to say the said queir within the space of thre yeris nixt efter the dait herof And the said kirk within the space of vthair thre yeris nixt and immediatlie thairefter." Following on this, John Sandilands, already mentioned, binds himself to give a "Charter and infeftment," securing to the chaplain the sum "of xx merkis money" annually.

Fig. 1199.—Mid-Calder Church. Plan.

The actual building (Fig. 1199) consists of a choir with tripartite apse having a sacristy or vestry to the east, and it has been carried out, so far as completed, very much in terms of the foregoing bond.

The vestry, which projects from the east end of the choir, seems to have been erected before the bond was executed, and the foundations of the choir seem to have been laid at that time. The remainder of the choir was apparently carried out afterwards, but the nave, which was carefully specified in the bond, was never erected.

The vestry contains two stories, the lower one being a burial vault, which is "pendit" or vaulted, while the upper floor forms the vestry. The