Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/102

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¶ The xij fable is of the ſerpent

THe Auctor that is to wete Eſope reherceth to vs ſuche a fable of two euyls / ſayeng that a ſerpent entryd ſom tyme within the forge of a ſmythe / for to ſerche ſomme mete for her dyner / It happed / that ſhe fond a fyle whiche ſhe beganne to gnawe with her teethe / Thenne ſayd the fyle to her / yf thow byte and gnawe me / yet ſhalt thow doo to me no hurte / but bytynge and gnawyng on me / thow ſhalt hurte thyn owne ſelf / For by my ſtrengthe alle the yron is planed by me / And therfore thow arte a foole to gnawe me / For I telle the / that none euyll may hurte ne adommage another as euylle as he / Ne none wycked may hurte another wycked / ne alſo the hard ageynſt the hard ſhalle not breke eche other / ne two enuyous men ſhal not both ryde vpon an aſſe / wherfor the myghty and ſtronge muſt loue hym whiche is as myghty and as ſtrong as hym ſelf is