Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/111

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¶ The xviij fable is of the marchaunt and of the asse

Many one ben trauaylled after theyr dethe / wherfore men ought not to deſyre the dethe / As reherceth Eſope by this fable / Of a marchaunt whiche ladde an aſſe laden vnto the market / And for to be the ſooner at the market / he bete his aſſe / and ſore prycked hym / wherfore the poure aſſe wyſſhed & deſyred his owne deth / wenyng to hym that after his dethe he ſhold be in reſte / And after that he had be wel bete and chaced he deyde / And his mayſter made hym to be flayne / and of his ſkynne he dyd doo make tumbours whiche ben euer bete / And thus for what payne that men may haue durynge his lyf / he ought not to deſyre and whyſſhe his dethe / For many one ben / whiche haue grete payne in this world that ſhall haue a gretter in the other world / For the man hath no reſte for the dethe but for his merytes