Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/114

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¶ The xx fable maketh mencion of the fallace of the lyon / And of his conuersacion

TO conuerſe with folke of euylle lyf is a thyng moche peryllous / And only to ſpeke with them letteth moch other / As this fable reherceth of a lyon ryght ſtrong and ryght myghty / the whiche made hym ſelf kynge for to haue grate renommee and glorye / And fro thenne forthon he beganne to chaunge his condycions and cuſtomme ſhewing hym ſelf curtois / and ſwore that he ſhold hurte no beſtes / but ſhold kepe them ageynſt euery one / And of this promeſſe he repented hym by cauſe hit is moche dyffycyle and hard to chaunge his owne kynd / And therfore whanne he was angry / he lad with hym ſomme ſmalle beeſtes in to a ſecrete place for to ete and deceyue them / And demaunded of them / yf his mouthe ſtanke or not / And alle they that ſayd that it ſtanke or not were al ſaued / And alle they the whiche anſuered not he kylled / & deuoured them al / It happed that he demaunded of the Ape / yf his mouthe ſtanke or not / And thape ſayd no but
