Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/145

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wente ageyne into the foreſt / And met with the wulf / to whome he ſayd / Ha myſchaunt beeſt / what doſt thow here / Come with me and in to thy hand I ſhall put a good proy Loke in to yonder medowe / there ſhalt thow fynde a fatte beeſt   Of the whiche thow mayſt be fylled / ¶ And thenne the wulf entryd in to the medowe / and fonde there the mule / Of whom he demaunnded / who arte thow / And the mule anſuerd to the wulf / I am a beeſt / And the wulf ſayd to hym / This is not that that I aſke to the / but telle how thow arte named / And the mule ſayd I wote not / but neuertheless yf thow wylt knowe my name / thow ſhalt fynde it wreton at my lyfte foote behynde / Thenne ſayd the wulf/ I praye the / vouche ſauf to ſhewe it to me / And the mule lyft up his foote / ¶ And as the wulf beheld and ſtudyed in the foote of the mule / the Mule gaf hym ſuche a ſtroke whith his foote before his forhede / that almoſt the brayne ranne oute of his hede / And the foxe whiche was within a buſſhe and ſawe alle the maner beganne to lawhe and mocque the wulf / to whomme he ſayd / Foole beeſte thow woſt wel / that thow canſt not rede / wherfore yf euylle is therof come to the / thy ſelf is cauſe of hit / For none ought not to entremete hym to doo that / that Impoſſyble is to hym /